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Hello! My name is Justyna.

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As a personal trainer, lifestyle counselor, and registered massage therapist, I practice a holistic approach to health in order to maintain a balanced way of life. My goal is to educate people on the mind-body connection. That vital relationship is what keeps you healthy, fit, and pain-free. Everything is inter-related.

In high school, I made my “healthy rum balls” for family and friends, and was surprised by the positive response. So, I decided to make something of it… after months of research and taste testing, I re-created that recipe into a nutrient-packed snack with very little natural sugar.

Made with pure, raw, and organic ingredients, NAGI bars are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and we do not add peanuts or eggs. They are also vegan, non-gmo, and of course, low in natural sugar, and high in protein… like eating a very healthy two-bite brownie.

There is a growing awareness around the dangers of sugar to the human body, and brain chemistry. Avoiding sugar completely is a hard task. How do I manage to stay away from artificial sugars and ingredients? We all have our vices, and are not perfect. I live by the 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 rule is mainly applied to eating, but can also be applied to everyday life. It is all about balance… eating a well-balanced, nutritious meal 80% of the time, and leaving 20% wiggle room for food exploration. You can call them cheat days, cravings, or favourite treats. They may not be as healthy, but are just as delicious at the time of consumption. You do not have to cut out food groups, or count calories. Let’s embrace food for nourishment, and not for denial. Moderation is the key.

I am passionate about life… and inspiring change in others to control, and take charge of their own health. Life is too short. We must be grateful for what we have, and do the best we can with it. It is a gift that is in the palm of our hands. Every day, we are faced with choices that have an effect on our quality of life and lifestyle. The actions you take now, no matter how small, are never wasted. They are just a stepping stone to bigger dreams, goals, aspirations, and opportunities.

When you are the creator of delicious, wholesome bars, you have the right to choose a favourite. I love them all equally, but tend to crave the Chocolate Almond Coconut with cacao nibs because of its extra crunch. When paired with frozen yoghurt, it tastes like a brownie, but without all the guilt.

I promise to share more recipes and tips right here. Stay tuned!

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