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Natural Spring Water & A Balanced Lifestyle

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What is Natural Spring Water?

Natural spring water is exactly what it sounds like. Water which is formed entirely naturally and found in a complete state of its own natural purity. You have to admit, when you think about it, something as simple as natural spring water, which we (the lucky ones) take for granted, is a bit of a rare phenomenon in this modern age. As an example of a sustainable life-cycle, free from chemicals and unnatural/unnecessary human interference, natural spring water produces and restores itself from the very essence of its originality. Cool right?! In being a crucial component to the hydrosphere, natural spring water organically maintains an unblemished and unadulterated relationship with the planet. Naturally speaking, if anything was to be completely perfect and sustainable, then look no further than natural spring water. 

Can you drink natural spring water?

Of course you can. It is, ultimately, how nature intended it. Many argue drinking natural spring water is the best type of water to drink, as it contains all of the desired natural nutrients. This is a result of its unique and authentic process. While maintaining an even pH balance, if not slightly alkaline, as found in tap, sea, and river water, drinking natural spring water provides a healthy balance for the body and its systems to function at their optimum. These beneficial nutrients will outweigh and counteract any over-acidity in the body.

However, any natural drinking water source should be certified by local authorities as safe. No one should ever trust drinking natural spring water without checking it first. No matter how thirsty you may get out on a hike in the wilderness, do not unleash your inner primal instinct and dip your head in a stream and start drinking! This is imperative as it is extremely dangerous!

Where does natural spring water come from?

Natural Spring Water

Natural drinking water only makes up 1 percent of the total amount of water on earth. There are two natural forms of water that we drink. Both source their supply from rain and snow.

Groundwater seeps into layers underground via intricate cracks, junctions and permeable pass points in the rock or soil, before collecting in underground or perched aquifers.

Surface water, on the other hand, is taken from the rivers, lakes, and streams.

How are natural springs of water formed?

The spring points precisely to the mark where the water from the aquifer seeps out upon the surface of the earth. Gravity springs are a result of the aquifer water moving through permeable soil onto the surface, or when the aquifer waterbed is intercepted by the surface level. There are three types of Gravity springs.

  1. A depression spring is when the groundwater of the aquifer creates undulations through topographic layers underground. The source then flows locally from its point of discharge.  
  2. A contact spring is when the downward movement of water through permeable material is redirected by an impervious layer. This is common in mountainous regions where water bed aquifers can be perched within the terrain.
  3. Fracture/Tabular/Joint springs are formed when water passes through cracks in rock.

Too much info? It doesn't stop quite there I'm afraid, as some of you may have also heard of artesian spring water. This is when an aquifer is contained in relatively impervious conditions. The connecting water from a higher level puts the confined water under what is known as artesian pressure. This pressure causes the water to form springs.

Seepage or filtration springs are simply when the aquifer forces natural spring water to seep upon the surface. It tends to form small or large shallow water zones with a slow flow rate. Ok, now you know where it comes from, onto the all-important benefits.   

Benefits of Drinking Natural Springwater

When one is dehydrated and in need of some water, it can become even more disorientating trying to decide what water to pick up off the shelves! Who would think that something as plain and simple as water could come in so many forms and variations? From tap, distilled, flavored, to mineral etc. What is the difference? Are any better than the other? And why should someone drink natural spring water in comparison to the rest? Be aware! Reports suggest that over 40% of what manufacturers label as natural spring water is in fact, wrong. So, find the correct source because here's what your missing:

  • As the water moves through the soil into the spring, it gathers the microbes and micro-organisms on its journey. These extra organisms lend much goodness to the body and promote a healthy balanced system at its very source. After all, our bodies are made up of around 60% water, not including our brains at 75%.
  • Natural spring water is free of toxins, bacteria, lead, copper and other contaminants which can be detected in standard tap water.
  • Natural spring water contains important minerals such as Bicarbonate, Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium.


  • Bicarbonate maintains a healthy pH balance for the body while aiding the stomach with digestion. Overall, Bicarbonate is seen as a vital component in sustaining a balanced healthy lifestyle.
  • Sodium regulates the water within our bodies. As sodium passes from cell to cell, it enables electrical signals to communicate clearly between the brain, muscles and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the most prevalent mineral in the human body. Commonly known for bone and dental quality, it is proven that natural spring water can increase a person's personal calcium intake while regulating heartbeat rate and rhythm. I bet you never knew that!
  • Magnesium is a mineral crucial to the body's overall structure and function. It is essential in regulating blood pressure, glucose levels and helping the nervous system.   

Therefore, drinking natural spring water regulates the body's temperature, comforts joints, protects vital organs, enables cellular communication, carries nutrients to cells, along with depositing of unwanted waste.   

Furthermore, as well as its natural health benefits, the taste of natural spring water is simply unrivaled. The intake of natural minerals and the uncontaminated nature of natural spring water means it has a clean and refreshing taste, unmatched by any other water. This is significant as people will tend to drink more water if it tastes a hell of a lot better!

How does drinking natural spring water contribute to a balanced lifestyle?

The essence of any balanced lifestyle must begin within its immediate and physical reality. Drinking natural spring water will facilitate the body to be at a perfect balance at its very source. Through the hydration of natural spring water at a perfect pH balance, the body is at its optimum for regulating temperature and blood flow, while protecting its vital components and dispatching of what is unwanted. It is imperative to our absolute structure and function as human beings.

Furthermore, in being completely pure, natural spring water is the most sustainable liquid for the body to obtain, produce and reproduce, similar to the life cycle of its origin and outcome. Basically, being at one with natural spring water is being at one with nature. However, the sustainability of natural spring water is not by any means sustainable in its over mass production. Plastic still remains a huge problem for the environment and most (apparent) natural spring water companies produce their bottles and containers in these unwanted materials. They don't tell you that the bottles they serve it in may leak chemicals into the water The environmental damage caused in creating the plastic is flawed in itself, let alone the aftermath, with the majority of plastic bottles ending up in wastelands after not being recycled. This is just another pressing calamity accounting toward climate change. Anyway, rant over!

Similarly, as with organic food, we wish our water to be sustainable environmentally, economically and socially. This union as a trio must prevail equally for sustainability to be achieved. It's a bit like a tripod, if one leg goes down, the whole thing falls to the floor. That's why ditching plastic and sourcing more environmentally friendly materials to contain natural spring water is the next natural step to achieve this goal!

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