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New Year, New You: How to Keep Your 2019 Resolutions

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New Year’s resolutions – they’re the personal promises we make to ourselves at the start of every year. With 2019 comes goals and achievements that we vow to follow for not only the next 365 days, but for as long as it takes for them to become our lifestyle. Whether you plan on being more health conscious, want to save money to pay down debt, or learn a new habit, it’s important to remember that although perfection is rarely attainable, there are some things you can do to ensure you stay on track with your 2019 New Year’s resolutions.

1. Start Small 
When it comes to the new year, a lot of people will take giant leaps as opposed to baby steps. This goes for all changes you wish to make. Baby steps will warm you up to your goal and eventually lead you to full success. Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day.

2. Don’t Beat Yourself Up
A lot of people will jump off the deep-end into new year’s resolutions, which can put a ton of pressure on yourself to succeed. However, to change your lifestyle and stick with a concrete plan you have to learn how to be your own coach. Motivation is a key, but a good coach never puts their players down. With mishaps comes growth and life’s too short to be hard on yourself. You are your number one fan!

3. Ask for Support 
When you’re on a new path, never doubt the power of asking for support. Drastically changing your lifestyle can come with some emotional, mental, and physical lows. Your family and friends are great people to turn to if you need some extra motivation. If they know your upcoming year is being dedicated to change, they will likely do whatever it takes to help you accomplish your goals.

Happy New Year to all of our Nagi friends!


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